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The abbreviation for Virgo The zodiac sign Virgo is represented by a maiden holding a sheaf of wheat, which symbolizes fertility and abundance. People born under this sign are known for their meticulous and practical nature, as well as their analytical and critical thinking skills. Virgoans are also known for their penchant for cleanliness and order, which is why they are often associated with the symbolism of the virgin. When it comes to their abbreviation, Virgo is commonly shortened to 'Vir' or 'Vgo'. However, the most widely used abbreviation for this sign is 'Virg', which is often seen in horoscopes, astrology charts, and other related materials. This abbreviation is not only easy to remember but also reflects the essence of the sign's symbol, emphasizing its purity and innocence. In addition to its abbreviation, the sign of Virgo is also associated with the planet Me{领略更多 十二星座查询资讯请关注 :127星座生肖网,wWw.127yS.Com]rcury, which represents communication, intelligence, and adaptability. This association further emphasizes the sign's analytical and communicative abilities and highlights its capacity to excel in fields such as research, education, and technology. Overall, the abbreviation for Virgo reflects the sign's meticulous nature, practicality, and purity. By using this abbreviation, we can easily recognize and connect with the attributes and qualities associated with this sign. So whether you're a Virgoan yourself or simply interested in the zodiac, 'Virg' is a term that you should definitely be familiar with.


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