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Crazy About Capricorn: Understanding the Ambitious and Practical Goat Capricorns are often known for their ambitious nature and practical approach to life. As an earth sign, they are grounded in reality and work hard to achieve their goals. They are also known for their traditional values, loyalty, and patience. However, sometimes their ambition can lead them down a path of workaholism or a focus on material success rather than personal fulfillment. It's important for Capricor〔(推荐更多 星座配对资讯请关注 :360星座网,Www.360xINgzuO.Cc」ns to remember to take breaks and enjoy the fruits of their labor. Capricorns are also known for their reserved nature and tendency to keep their emotions to themselves. This can make them appear cold or distant to others, but it's important to understand that they struggle with vulnerability and trust. Given time, a Capricorn can be an incredibly loyal and supportive friend. In relationships, Capricorns value stability and long-term commitment. They may not be the most romantic or affectionate partners, but they will work hard to build a strong and lasting partnership. Overall, Capricorns are driven individuals with a strong work ethic and practical outlook on life. While they may struggle with vulnerability and emotional expression, they make loyal and dependable friends and partners.


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