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Tarot Cards: An Insight into Your Bi-Directional Fortune The power of Tarot Cards has been known and propagated for centuries. The mystics believe that every individual has a unique energy that influences their future, and tarot reading can help them understand and navigate their life path. The Tarot Card deck contains 78 cards, each representing a different aspect of life. In this article, we will explore the bi-directional reading of Tarot Cards, which gives insights into your past and future. The bi-directional reading of tarot cards involves two distinct readings, one for the past, and one for the future. The past reading gives us insight into our power, strength, and obstacles we have overcome, while the future reading elucidates our goals and potential obstacles we may encounter. The past reading uses the first ten cards, which represent the ten stages of development in life. These stages include infancy, childhood, adolescence, young adulthood, etc. The past reading shows us our journey and how our experiences have shaped us into who we are today. It also highlights the challenges we have faced and how we overcame them. This reading gives us a better understanding of our abilities, limitation〔阅读更多 12星座查询表常识请关注 :木兰星座查询网,WWw.imUlaN.Cc」s, and potential. The future reading uses the final ten cards to give us an insight into the direction our life path is taking. These cards represent the ten stages of life after death, and each card portrays a different destiny. The future reading helps us to explore our potential and what we need to do to achieve our goals. It also prepares us for any obstacles that may arise on our journey and gives us the tools to overcome them. In conclusion, the bi-directional reading of Tarot Cards is a powerful tool for self-discovery. It gives us an insight into our past and future and helps us to understand how our experiences have shaped us. The Tarot Cards provide a unique perspective on our potential and the obstacles we will face on our life journey. It is important to remember that the Tarot Card readings are not set in stone, and they provide guidelines rather than predictions. It is up to us to use this insight to make the right choices and take the path that aligns with our life goals.


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